
In the context of activating the role of the Information and Documentation Center at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and introducing the portal to the sector to build functional and development information databases, the Information and Documentation Center intends to hold an introductory session at the portal that includes the offices of agricultural and animal services in Nalut – Ghadames – Al-Hawamid – Al-Harba – Stairs – and Wazin Kabau The introductory session will be held on Wednesday 4/12/2019 in the meeting hall of Nalut General Hospital. On Thursday, 5/12/2019, an information session will be held on the electronic portal that includes the offices of agricultural, animal and marine services in both For Rahibat- Gado – Asbi’a – the soles of the mountain – Zintan – Gharyan -riyaanh – Evardn- Castle – Alrajaban – Zahir Mountain – kikla – sister – Alqoalesh -nsmh These efforts come in support of the plan for the agriculture sector, livestock and marine to build the pillars of comprehensive development.