Launching the GeoSpatial Platform “Merwat – Libya”

On Thursday, March 28, 2024, the MerWat-Libya geospatial platform was launched in the presence and participation of Mr. Eng. Ahmed Lamloum, Director General of the Center, representing the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and a number of important stakeholders. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was represented at the event by Mr. Dr. Abdourahman Maki, Land and Water Officer at the organization’s sub-regional office for North Africa, and Dr. Faycel Chenini, international project coordinator. The event was also attended by Mr. Riccardo, Representative of the Italian Embassy in Libya, Mr. Fathi Ali Abu Bakr, Director of the International Cooperation Office at the Ministry of Water Resources, and Dr. Akram Al-Kaseh, Director General of the Libyan Center for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, and Dr. Bashir Nawir, National Advisor for the MerWat Project, and Mr. Suleiman Abboud, the national coordinator of the project, and Mr. Idris Al Mahdi, the local coordinator of the project in the Fezzan region, in addition to a number of representatives of relevant authorities, bodies, centers, universities and non-governmental organizations.
The platform’s headquarters were opened at the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and the Libyan Center for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. During the celebration, a pledge of partnership and cooperation was signed between the concerned departments of the three entities, which includes a coordination and cooperation mechanism to ensure the sustainability of the platform.
At the opening of the launching ceremony, Mrs. Thuraya Jumaa gave an opening statement on behalf of Mr. Muhammad Faraj Qanidi, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources. This was followed by a speech by Mr. E. Ahmed Lamloum on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Livestock. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations also delivered a speech, welcoming the launch of the MerWat Platform in Libya and stressing the importance of this platform in enhancing the sustainability of water resources and improving water management in agriculture.
The event focused on the objectives and activities of the MerWat Platform, which include monitoring and evaluating water consumption in agriculture, developing rational water strategies, enhancing the ability of actors in the agricultural sector to deal with water challenges, and providing data and information related to water and agriculture.
The MerWat Platform is one of the important initiatives that aims to enhance environmental and agricultural sustainability in Libya, and provide effective solutions and strategies for the water challenges facing the country.